
Thursday, 13 March 2014

Outraged, Friendly, Naughty
Lover of UFC, kick boxing, and KFC
Who wonders if zombies will rise so he can kill them
Who fears nothing
Who feels brave when he kills zombies, extreme when doing bmx stunts and strong when he is working out
Who is able to do a tailwhip
Who would like to travel to New York
Who dreams to be the world champion boxer

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Maths Graphs

 Today I learnt to present my work as a line graph and a combo graph. I also had help from Eseki my pod leader.

Bio Poem!

Enthusiastic, fearless and cheerful
Lover of BMX, NFL, UFC
Who wonders when the world will end
Who fears dead things, ghosts and dark places
Who feels afraid of getting a hiding in the street, scared of getting lost in the woods, and scared of dying
Who is able to defend myself when I’m being attacked
Who would like to travel to America, become a UFC fighter, and the best boxer in the world
Who dreams of killing zombies


Thursday, 6 March 2014

The wonder hoop - a explanation

The wonder hoop is a basketball that is attached to a basketball hoop which is screwed onto a white wooden board.
It is used for good students who complete all their school work and students who work hard and help people.
Each student is given a piece of paper to write their name on, which is then put into the hoop.
Every Friday Mrs Parker will pick five names from the hoop, and students are given a prize. Prizes consist of mini chocolate bars, oreos and party poppers.

When I won the wonder hoop I felt happy and excited.